Boxing Ontario - Clubs

Boxing Ontario Club Membership Pricing

Early bird: $500.00

Regular Price as of February 1st, 2025-$600.00

*NOTE: 2024-2025 registrations run from September 1st, 2024-December 31st, 2025) Fees are not prorated.

Application is made on behalf of the club entered below to become an active registered Amateur Boxing Club within Boxing Ontario, the provincially recognized sport governing body for Amateur Boxing.

**Please note, the coach registration is separate from your club registration.

Coach membership can be completed HERE

All clubs must have at least ONE certified level 1 coach for a club to be processed!

Important for all coaches:

Online Police Record Check (must be within the last 3 years)

Safe Sport Training- The Locker under the E-Learning tab

Respect in Sport for Activity Leaders

Making Head Way (Mandatory for 2025)

Clubs - to be completed by club admin or head coach only


CLUB ADDRESS (required for insurance certificate)




Membership type

Notice: You have reached your maximum number of individual entries for this registrant.
There are no available categories for the age of this registrant.



Registered clubs agree to abide by the following conditions of membership in Boxing Ontario:

1. Any competitive training and/or sparring will be supervised by a registered coach with at least Level One technical or Apprentice Coach module NCCP Certification.

2. All individuals who will be supervising training at the club must be registered members with Boxing Ontario and undergo a police records check.

3. All people’s names appearing on the club application form and sanction application forms must be members of Boxing Ontario.

4. All training must be conducted in a safe environment using safe equipment as outlined in Boxing Canada’s rulebook and in the NCCP coaching manuals. Club membership will be conditional at all times upon passing a safety inspection by an appointee of the Executive Committee. The inspection will consist of a checklist, approved by the Executive Committee, of safety features and a recommendation for continued membership of the club.

Failure to comply with all the conditions may result in disciplinary action towards the club.

It is understood that Boxing Ontario’s liability insurance covers only Boxing Ontario members in activities related to their membership in Boxing Ontario.


I am either the President or Head Coach (circle one) for this Boxing Club. I have the authority to act on behalf of the club.

I understand that as per Boxing Ontario’s Constitution, (7.10) Ontario’s amateur athletes cannot participate in contests or exhibitions, with clubs that neither are members of the Corporation, nor affiliated with Boxing Canada or AIBA.

I have also read, understand, and signed the Code of Conduct. I agree to abide by the rules governing amateur boxing, including but not limited to Boxing Canada’s Articles & Rules governing amateur boxing and Boxing Ontario’s Constitution and policy manual.

I have read the above Conditions for Club Registration and with the signing of this form; our club agrees to abide by the Rules and Regulations of both Boxing Ontario and Boxing Canada.